First NameHoj
Last NameSoltani
TitleCommercial Mortgage Advisor
Company NameDLC Financial Expert Lic # 12129
Business Address190 Marycroft Ave, unit #3
Zip/Postal CodeL4L 5Y1
Business Phone Number1(855)993-5363x110
Home Number4162546688
Cell Number4162546688
FAX Number4162961259
Email AddressSend Email
Home PageHome Page
Market areaAll ontario
SpecialtyCommercial Real estate financing
CommentsDominion Lending Centers Commercial has established excellent relationships in the lending community with pension funds, banks, credit unions, life insurance companies, trust companies, private institutions and individual investors. These relationships allow Dominion Lending Centers Commercial to identify the source of funds which will be most likely to meet the needs of its borrower clients.
We are bilingual and speak different languages