Results 1 - 6 of 6

431874Fordwich, ON (1 hour from Kitchener) Own & Run your own Restaurant, Gas Bar, bake shop or retail store. $449,900 Live and Work.
431175King Township Bakery business and building for sale. The building has several residential apartments, $2.8 m. The listing is in the process of being signed.
420584Richmond Hill, Profitable Cakes & Bakery & Cafe Business for Sale in Prime Location! Great Income, ROI & Growth Potential! Only 899k$
417480Want Small bakery -GTA-under $500k. Motivated Buyer, expected to close the deal at the earliest.
417204Popular, profitable, well established Bakery & Pizzeria with continual growth in Muskoka in leased premises with expansion opportunity. Asking $125K. Buy Now!!
411096Have, Toronto, Bakery business for sale, Price:$438888