Results 1 - 5 of 5

431642WANT: to LEASE 800-1,200 SF retail space for coffee shop in Toronto (College St, Queen St, Ossington Ave)
431194WANTED Ontario, Tim Hortons coffee donuts Franchise B / W $1-2 Million, Within 1-2 Hour From GTA, I Have Some Motivated & Qualified Buyers And Investors
430135Northern Ontario, Convenience, Grocery Gas, Hardware, LCBO, Post Office & Country Style Coffee, res home 3 bd For owner / operator-Money Maker $4.2M
428819Want Coffee Cafe Business in Brampton Mississauga Oakville Etobicoke area Qualified Buyer.
405069Branded, Wholesale Coffee business in Windsor, with inventory and machinery for sale only $200K. RARE OPPRTUNITY.