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431791Wanted: Mississauga, Milton, Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton, Pizza store, $150k-$500K, Qualified.
431733WANT: to LEASE 200-400 SF space in GTA Food Courts for Turkish style pizza. No hood required
431135WANT: ONTARIO, Looking for BURGER KING or TACO BELL or WENDYS or POPEYES OR DAIRY QUEEN or BOSTON PIZZA, Motivated buyer, w/ previous multi owner experience,
431104WANT: ONTARIO, Looking BURGER KING or TACO BELL or WENDYS or POPEYES or DAIRY QUEEN or BOSTON PIZZA, Motivated buyer, with previous multi unit owner experience
430197Wanted, Brampton, Caledon or Mississauga (Peel) Space To Lease For Pizza, 1000 sq ft to 1500 sq ft, For a Franchise.
429937Opportunity knocks! Busy grocery & pizza
424975Guelph,(45 Toronto) Pizza Store, $115K, all equipment's family run 13 yrs making money in plaza very busy plenty parking very close residential, schools.
42464430 Minutes to Collingwood, 120 minutes to Toronto. Gas Station, $4.5M, making money. including store, car wash, and pizza pizza.
422829Cambridge Pizza Store. $859K 20+ Yrs. Busy Location making Money. Weekly Sales $22K - $24K.
422828Coming for Sale. Paris (90min to Toronto) New Pizza Franchise. $350,000. Fixed Month Royalty fee $800. Potential weekly Sales of $12K - $14K. Training Provided.
419796Esso Gas Station with Pizza Pizza Franchise is for sale. Asking $4.2M