ICIWorld has two major world networking databases
Database 1
Information placed by members
Database 2 (FSBO's)
For Sale By Owner |
- We call it the ultimate in world
wide exposure. See
testimonials. (pdf file)
- It is $240 per year + a one time
signup fee of $79 to place ads.
- 15,000 + Haves and Wants
- 7,000+ are active and can be fully
seen by the public with contact information. The public
contacts the member directly.
- Contact information is displayed to
the public.
- In the USA and Canada, only
licensed real estate broker and salespeople can join
ICIWorld and are allowed to post information in Database 1.
- Public readership 20,000 to 30,000
per month. The public can pick up the phone and contact the
member for more information and to see the property.
- In all counties of the world except
the USA and Canada membership on ICIWorld is open to the
public, developers, sellers of all kinds in the rest of the
world until such time as real estate salespeople organize
themselves and join this service.
- Information placed by Executive
Members of ICIWorld are all licensed real estate brokers and
- Cost - $240 per year plus a one
time signup of $79
- The public can read the ads and
call members directly.
- EMail List Servers deliver daily
Haves and Wants to the public daily. 10,000 to 20,000 EMails
distribute information daily to the real estate industry
WITH contact information. It is
free to subscribe.
- Members can place unlimited Have
and Want ads and can add, modify and delete ads.
- World wide.
- The world public can see a members
information and call them.
- Assistance for members to place ads
and use the service.
- We recommend members contact
principals in Database 2 to market their Haves and Wants.
- Members have full access to all
listings in Database 1 and Database 2 including sold,
expired listings - all for
networking purposes.
- Web sites and assistance provided
for all your web sites.
One tool to search
Haves and Wants
Search Database 1 By
Category |
- Limited exposure although can be
very successful.
- It is free to place information for
the public.
- 14,000 + Haves and Wants
- Only licensed real estate Executive
Members of ICIWorld can see your contact information and can
call you directly.
- Your contact information is not
displayed to the public.
- 0 listings can be seen by the
public with contact information.
- Information placed by the public.
- Cost - Free
- The public does not have access to
the contact information.
- The public must contact a member of
ICIWorld to follow up on any ad in Database 2.
- Haves and Wants are delivered by
EMail to Executive Members of ICIWorld ONLY.
- To modify and/or delete an ad you
must call ICIWorld or send us an email.
- The advantage here is that it
reaches a membership of licensed real estate salepeople.
- Only Executive Members receive the
Haves and Wants delivered to them daily by special FSBO
EMail List Services.
- The public can post as many Haves
and Wants as they wish.
- World wide.
Message to all licensed real estate brokers and
salespeople who place information in Database 2 and who are
not members of ICIWorld.
The difference between Non Member services and Member
Services Our members care about helping people do business
enough to join the service and provide Internet technology
to achieve the ultimate in Internet Marketing.
Assistance for the
public to place ads and use the service.
We recommend all buyers
and sellers also place their information with a member in
Database 1 for the ultimate in world wide exposure.
Reach an industry of
licensed real estate salespeople who are working with buyers
and sellers daily.
Developers make your
space available here and link to your web site of space.
Web sites and
assistance for web sites not provided.
One tool to search
Haves and Wants
Search Database 2 By Category
Other options |
Search USA |
Search Canada |
Search the
World |
Doing it this way provides:
more information available to the public for
a wider selection for buyers
wider exposure achieves a higher price and
terms for sellers
networking of exclusive real estate
information that is not available on real estate boards
more opportunities for licensed real estate
brokers and salespeople
an opportunity for people to market their
office buildings, shopping centers, apartment buildings,
business opportunities in a confidential and exclusive
manner while providing the ultimate in world wide exposure
a better result because licensed real estate
people qualify and weed out the tire kickers, time wasters,
information gatherers, fraud artists
the most inexpensive way in the world to
network information without advertising constantly popping
up on the screen making you read it before seeing results
a protection for
licensed real estate people to get paid for all their
efforts and a site built to network more and more
information that attracts buyers and sellers because of
information that industry professionals place that can
benefit the public without the public cutting them out for
assembling all this information that has taken years to
build and is strategically setup to collect more exclusive
information not available on real estate boards or other
real estate board type services and make it all available to
the public. It is a win win situation.
jobs are created by the sales that take
place because when builders buy land they build houses and
buildings, when people buy property the new buyers in many
cases invest in fixing them up thereby upgrading the housing
and commercial real estate stock.
income for members, creation of wealth for
investors, buyers and sellers alike and taxes for
governments on income created.
See some of the deals being done to get an idea of what we
ICIWorld is unique in this respect. |

Since 1994
ICIWorld.net, Inc. Since
1994 (The Market ICI World Real Estate Network)
Canada: 33 Hazelton Ave., Suite 408, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M5R 2E3
Bus. 416-840-6227 Cell. 416-831-1620 After hours and
weekends 416-214-4875
USA: 3200 N.E. 7th Ct., Suite 303C, Pompano, Florida
33062 Bus. 954-317-2327
www.iciworld.us Canada
www.iciworld.ca World
26,000+ real estate Have and Want ads, 50,000 readership.
See testimonials. Among the most being reported on the
www.retiredbrokers.com |
www.referralbrokers.com |
Full training and telephone technical support
Contact us free world wide |