Management Page

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Real Estate Marketing and Networking 24/7 Worldwide

Experience helping brokers connect to make money for over 25 years.

If you miss one thing on this page . . . you can be missing doing deals and not realize it.

Reach people locally and internationally from 138+ countries


ICIWorld now has three new dedicated computer servers on the Internet operating and performing tasks for members and the real estate industry as of December, 2020 all new within the last three months. Whew!

It was working day and night for the last 2 months! All of us (3) are exhausted. It was technical programming, debugging, testing and fixing, connecting, redesigning, updating, software, programs, and more.

These servers are dedicated for the real estate industry.

In my opinion other brokers feedback from seminars, every bit as significant as the invention of MLS itself. ILS (Information Listing Service) Works great for all the opportunities that you can not get a signed listing to put on MLS, and for people who say bring me in a buyer and I will pay you a commission but I do not want to give you a listing at this time, and for all the situations for marketing real estate opportunities where confidentiality is required for one reason or another.

Now rolling out more websites I call information tools. Use the ones you like best.

Here are some computer and mobile website tools: 

Use the one you like best. Let us know which ones you like and why.

When you are a member of ICIWorld your information is displayed on them all including the ICIWorld Apps for iPhones and Androids.

Now that we have our servers up and running and working, we are designing and building new services, improving existing ones, over the next year. 2021 shall be an exciting year for real estate networkng and successes of members.

We invite real estate boards to hire us to supply this information much like they hire companies to provide MLS Internet services.

Perhaps they can even have ownership.

Just have to ask.