Results 1 to 15 of 15

42190Wanted - Hotel(s) in Brazil. Prefer metropolitan centers - Rio De Janiero, San Paulo, etc. Open minded to interesting opportunities! 1M - 10M range
41875Islands for sale World Wide
40985WANT Anywhere in the world Baby Food and Milk Manufacture. Please contact me.
38278Large Trust funding BG SBLOC
37777Wanted, Worldwide, Casinos, Plazas, Hotels upto 1Billion
37471Seeking for investors to build a ecologic Hotel in a fanatastic place in the amazon forest with falls of 15 meters , hot water aproximately 28 degrees coming fr
22411Need cash investment for possible billion dollar business in Brazil.
21752Gold and Diamond buyers for December 500mm and up Worldwide fast close for December
20409Wanted world $25M - $1 Billion, Project's world wide.
20067Brasil Timber Land
19636Wonderful properties for sale in Brazil
12582I sale beach front vacation retirement second/summer ranch properties in State of Ceara City of Fortaleza Northeast Brazil. Beach front land for development, pr
10353Offshore investments Holiday and second Homes Vacation Properties land to develop projects ready to execute in State of Ceara City of Fortaleza Brazil through a
8810Wanted. Agricultural. Brazil. Up tp 75% Non-improved raw land.