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431446WANT: to BUY 2-5 acres Retail land for building a plaza in North Bay (main road)
Stephen & Mariya Lilly, ACP, Broker, Re/Max Hallmark Realt Ltd., Brokerage, (416)494-7653
429030Wanted Windsor to Toronto to Oshawa, North to North Bay, Niagara Region Daycare, $350K - $20M, With or Without property! Qualified buyers!
Flora Roitblat, MBA, Broker, Re/max Premier Inc., Brokerage, (416)743-2000
414322Wanted London to Toronto to Kingston, north to North Bay, Niagara Region, Vacant land, Farm land, 100 ac. to 200+ ac. $800k to $5M Cash buy/ Can move quickly.
Prem Ragunathan, SRES, Sales Representative, HomeLife District Realty, Brokerage, (416)284-5555